Surya Namaskar/ Sun Salutation

I started my journey of yoga with Suryanamaskar. As a beginner it is very important to do Suryanamaskar right and also be aware about its facts to get the best results.

There are many versions to practice Sun Salutation. However, it is advisable to stick to a particular version and practice it daily.

Although, there is no rule that Suryanamaskar has to be done in the morning. But, the preferable time to do is in the morning with empty stomach and that too facing the Sun. As the Sun rays emit positive energy which helps us to stay positive all day long.

Sun Salutation helps us to relax our mind and body. It is an excellent exercise for weight loss. Apart from that it is a whole body workout which helps in stretching, toning and flexing our muscles.

Best part about Sun Salutation is that it gives us an opportunity to be great full to the Sun, without which there has been no life.

Starting the day with Sun Salutation facing the Sun gives positive energy and helps in overall health.

1. Pranamasana / Prayer Pose

Pranamasana is the start of Suryanamaskar.

Stand upright on the edge of your mat with both the feet closely aligned and balance your weight on both the feet.

Expand your chest and relax your shoulder.

As you inhale, raise your arms from sides, and as you exhale. Join your palms together as if praying in front of deity.

This is salutation towards the Sun.

2. Hastauttanasana / Raised arms pose

Inhale and lift your arms up and bend backwards. Biceps should lie close to your ears.

This posture helps to loosen up your body by stretching the entire body backwards.

3. Hasta Padasana / Standing forward bend

Exhale and bend forward from the waist. Try to touch the ground.

Do this posture slowly.

4. Ashva Sanchalanasana / Equestrian pose stretch

Inhale and stretch your body parallel to the ground.

Keep your hands to the side, and push your right leg back and bring your left knee towards the left part of the chest.

Look up.

5. Parvatasana / Mountain pose

Keep your palm where they are and bring and bring your left leg back, slowly raise your mid-section, exhale as you enter Parvatasana.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar / Salute with eight parts

In this pose two hands, two knees, chin and chest will rest on the floor, while your hip stays elevated in the air.

Bring your knees towards the floor and exhale, then bring your chin to rest on the floor and keep your hips elevated in the air.

7. Bhujangasana / cobra pose

In this pose you will align your chest and torso 90 degrees to the ground.

Slide forward and raise the chest up keeping your legs and mid-section flat on the ground. Use your hands to support your body. Look up.

8. Parvatasana / Mountain pose

Return to the Parvatasana from Bhujangasana. Keep your palm and feet where they are, and slowly raise your mid-section. Exhale as you enter Parvatasana.

9. Ashva Sanchanasana / equestrian pose stretch

Now from Parvatasana, return to the ashwa sanchalanasana. But this time, we do the opposite of what we did in the 4th step. Bring your right foot forward, while resting the left foot behind, at its original position.

10. Hasta Padasana / Standing forward bend

Exhale, bring your left foot forward and try to touch the ground.

11. Hastauttanasana / Raised arms pose

Inhale, raise your hands upward and bend backwards to enter Ardha Chakra Asana.

12. Pranamasana / Prayer pose

Exhale, and stand in relaxed manner in the namaskara mudra.

This is one complete repetition of Surya Namaskar. 12 repetitions of this exercise yields maximum benefit.

Feel the positivity

Until next

Rise and shine ✨